A new television series seeks to support the successful transition from home to school for Indigenous children and their families. The show, Little J & Big Cuz, has been devised, written and directed by Indigenous creatives from across Australia.
Education researchers and teachers are working together to explore strategies to boost Indigenous student achievement in STEM subjects.
Teacher speaks to Peter Johnson about efforts to improve the recruitment and retention of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander educators in Australian schools.
Latest data indicate a 10 per cent attendance gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous students. What's the role for teachers in improving attendance among Indigenous children?
When the school leaders at this college set out to develop and extend teaching expertise, they turned to students as the key collaborators.
An initiative to increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander teachers should have its funding extended so that a more targeted approach can be developed in the future, according to an evaluation panel.
Teacher speaks to Dr Mary Kimani about school support for refugee students from Sub-Saharan Africa.
‘If teachers truly embed themselves in the process of becoming culturally responsive they will find that, just like their students, they are always learning.’
A new research report says it's time to 'join the dots' and scale up successful examples of flexible learning systems to meet the 21st Century education needs of all Australian school students.
Recent research provides insight into culturally responsive teaching practices from the perspective of Aboriginal parents and students.
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