In her latest video for Teacher, Holly Wedd (née Millican) shares 3 activities she uses in her classroom to support her lessons on linear relationships.
The newly-released Education at a Glance 2022: OECD Indicators reports on the state of education in OECD and partner countries. In this infographic, we take a look at the net statutory teaching time in hours, per year, in public institutions across the world for pre-primary and upper-secondary, general programs.
The Deadly Gaming action research pilot project is investigating how the use of digital gaming might engage and motivate Indigenous learners in the primary school years. In this reader submission, project leader Dr Troy Meston shares details of the initiative and some of the early findings.
In her latest video for Teacher, Holly Millican shares the resources for 2 activities she has implemented in her mathematics classroom to engage students when learning about decimals.
‘Changing video consumption patterns in education have inspired a growing body of research focused on measuring video’s effectiveness as a learning aid’. In our latest reader submission, Tara Walsh shares some findings from her recent literature review into the use of instructional video in K-12 education.
In this video for Teacher, Mathematics teacher Holly Millican shares the resources for 3 activities she has implemented in her classroom to engage students when learning about statistics.
In her latest video for Teacher, Mathematics teacher Holly Millican shares the resources for three activities she has implemented in her classroom to engage students when learning about trigonometry.
Research shows that pragmatic and evidence-based consent education in schools can have both immediate and lasting effects in reducing gender-based violence. In this article, we outline 5 further readings which explore consent education in Australia.
‘When you’re in a bush kinder, there are no gendered materials. Everything that’s there is for anybody to play with.’ Recent findings from a Deakin University study reveal that bush kinders can build children’s early confidence and skill development in STEM, especially for young girls.
New research has shown that while the use of immersive virtual reality (IVR) increases student enjoyment and presence in a task, when used on its own it does not improve procedural or declarative knowledge when compared to the more traditional learning activity of watching a video.
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