Diving deep into your zodiac sign is all fun and games until it isn’t. We’re all bound to read something negative about our sign at some point or another (or for some signs, pretty often—looking at you Gemini and Scorpio). One moment, you’re feeling yourself as you watch a video about how good Tauruses are with money, and the next, you’re scoffing at your fatal flaw being laziness. Lazy!? Me!?, you ask as you move the takeout containers out of the way to sink deeper into your bed.
But seriously, we’ve all got fatal flaws, and pretending otherwise is ridiculous. Plus, it doesn’t mean we’re destined to be stuck with our annoying traits forever. Not all Geminis are bound to kill the conversation by overtalking, just like all Tauruses aren’t destined to stay in bed forever, and all Libras aren’t total pushovers. Once we know the not-so-pretty side of our zodiac sign, we can make astrology work for us instead of the other way around.
And remember—each fatal flaw mirrors a really awesome trait. Aries might be impulsive, but it’s because they have the gift of teaching us all to live in the moment. Capricorns might be overly practical, but it’s because they know how to get things done. However, in case you haven’t heard, here’s your fatal personality flaw based on your zodiac sign.

You act before you think.
With your fiery personality, who can blame you for not pausing before you hit send? If you’ve got something to say or something to do, it needs to happen right now. That means you’re booking that flight to Spain with $100 in your bank account or moving into your partner’s apartment right after your one-month anniversary, and nobody can stop you. Your habit of going after what you want without an ounce of practicality or thought of consequences is admirable, but keep in mind that not everyone has your sense of adventure—and making sure you actually have money to enjoy your trip to Spain is important, too.
How to Deal: Keep your mind clear and a bit less impulsive by blowing off some of that steamy energy daily. Boxing class? Hot yoga? You choose, but make sure it’s high-intensity.

You live in your comfort zone.
With soft blankets, delicious food, pumpkin-scented candles, and a good book, why leave the house ever? Grandpa Joe from Willy Wonka might be your spirit animal, at least during his bedridden era, but humans aren’t really meant to lay in bed eating Pad Thai and binge-watching Emily in Paris every day (if only). Newness is the spice of life, and you could be letting yourself miss important opportunities to make new friends and have new experiences if you cling too tightly to your comfort zone.
How to Deal: Set a small and manageable goal for yourself, like spending one night a week out on the town with friends, and commit to it.

Gemini, ideas flow through your brain like Pinot flows during a bachelorette party—it’s pretty wild. And sometimes, those ideas flow out of your mouth just as fast, which happens to be your fatal flaw. It’s not that you’re trying to trap your friend’s partner in the corner as you tell them every detail about your latest trip, you just think it’s interesting. Well, it turns out that not everything needs to be, or should be, shared. For a conversation to naturally flow and for everyone to feel included, let others chime in once or twice, too.
How to Deal: Get your ideas out of your head daily, whether that means journaling, talking with a close friend who loves your chatty habits, or posting anonymously on Reddit.

You have telenovela-level mood swings.
Like the crustacean that represents your zodiac sign, you can be straight-up crabby sometimes. It’s not really your fault—you’re just a soft little ball of emotions, and sometimes that hard crabby shell is the only thing keeping you from having an emotional breakdown in the middle of your Monday meeting. Your friends love you for your emotional side, but your unexpected mood swings can leave people unsure of how to keep you happy.
How to Deal: Be honest about how you’re feeling instead of deflecting with moodiness. If your friends know what’s going on, they’ll understand where you’re coming from and have a way better chance of actually supporting you.

You have main character syndrome, in a bad way.
And why shouldn’t you? After all, you know how much of a badass you are, and it’s your job to share that with the world. You feed off of attention, but your self-confidence can make you forget that other people have a role to play, too. We all struggle with a little ego from time to time, but yours is a fatal flaw. There will always be times for you to take center stage, but sometimes it’s OK to be a supporting character. After all, everybody wants their five minutes of fame at some point, so make your friends feel special by giving them their chance to shine, too.
How to Deal: Find inspiration from your friends and celebrate their achievements and talents—it will only help your own light grow.

You’re a critic of everything.
As a Virgo, your criticism usually comes from a good place—you want to better yourself and help others do the same. Nitpicking hasn’t failed you yet, and given how detail-oriented you are, to begin with, you can hardly help yourself. However, your direct and sometimes straight-up ruthless delivery can leave your friends wondering if you like them. As I constantly tell my Virgo boyfriend: You’re allowed to just enjoy things for what they are without trying to fix everything all the time—it’s exhausting for you, and it’s exhausting for me.
How to Deal: Insert a mental filter and realize that you don’t need to say everything you think. Focus on being helpful and specific—instead of “this chicken is dry AF,” try “next time, let’s marinate it first.”

You’re a huge people-pleaser.
Libra energy is when Cathy in Accounting keeps calling you by the wrong name, and you don’t correct her because you’re afraid she’ll get offended. It’s just because you’re trying to make everyone happy, but what about you? Your go-with-the-flow attitude has its advantages, but not standing up for yourself can have consequences and leave you unsure of what it is that you want. Not only that but your friends and family might not even be sure of what you really want because you’re always letting other people decide.
How to Deal: Take a deep breath and make some decisions for yourself. Start small by picking the restaurant for dinner or correcting the barista when you see they typed whole instead of oat into the register.

You’re obsessive and jealous.
Let’s be real—we all know a Scorpio that’s a little too fixated on wanting to see their ex’s new relationship go up in flames or upends their whole life for their new fling who is questionable at best. I say this as a Scorpio: We have a very hard time letting things go if we can manage to do it at all. Our passion is our advantage, but our vengeful nature is our fatal flaw. The obsessions and jealousy can make you lose sight of the big picture, which is that you’d be happier if you focused on yourself or started dating again instead of scrolling three years back into your ex’s new girlfriend’s Insta.
How to Deal: Chill out as much as you possibly can. Use that Scorpio skill and dive deep into why you’re actually angry, obsessive, or vengeful. Are you sad or scared? Take time to feel that instead of trying to mask it with other emotions.

You’re blinded by optimism.
Optimism is good. In fact, the world needs more of it. With your happy-go-lucky attitude, you’re optimistic that things will always work out for you. But that can mean that the only thing you’re serious about is seriously avoiding anything serious, like negative emotions or situations that require a lot of responsibility. Like why work hard or listen to advice from people who love you if you’re 100 percent sure things will work out in your favor? They probably do work in your favor a lot, but could it also be possible that you have a blind spot or two?
How to Deal: Challenge your optimism. There’s no need to be a pessimist, but maybe make a backup plan in case things don’t go your way or listen to your mom when she says you should visit India before deciding to move there.

You’re too practical.
The world needs practical people, but your friends and loved ones need a little emotion from you every now and then (nothing crazy, just a little somethin’ somethin’). Hustling to work overtime or spending all your free time on your next big project is cool and all, but don’t lose sight of other things that are important to you, like spending time with family or taking care of your health. You have a habit of writing things or relationships off if they’re not practical, but remember that practicality is only a piece of the puzzle.
How to Deal: Self-care is key. Even if you’re in the grind pulling 60-hour weeks, challenge yourself to take even just 10 minutes a day for self-care and reflection. This can look like journaling, meditating, taking a walk, or starting a skincare routine.

You jump to big decisions.
Listen Aquarius, we need your forward-thinking, out-of-the-box energy now more than ever, but slow down a bit so that the rest of us can keep up. When you jump into your craziest theories right away, you scare people away. Your my-way-or-the-highway attitude when it comes to the way you view the world, paired with your sometimes chilly exterior, can leave people feeling like you don’t like them or that they’re not on your level. Let others warm up to you first, and then start hitting them with the conspiracy theories about how cats built the pyramids or whatever.
How to Deal: Change your language to fit your audience. Don’t stop sharing your ideas and opinions with the world, but read the room to make sure they’re actually getting through to people and not just being written off.

You fantasize too often.
You love to get lost in your dreams and fantasies, but unfortunately, that doesn’t always translate well when it comes to real life (think Dory from Finding Nemo energy). Since you’re always daydreaming, it can be a challenge for you to focus on work or pay attention during a conversation, which can make it obvious to others that you would rather be sipping margs in Costa Maya than participating in the work meeting. The key is to focus on what’s happening now so that you can get your work done and make your marg-sipping beach vacation a reality.
How to Deal: Ground yourself. Have a single ritual every day that brings you back down to reality, whether it’s watering your plants, putting down your phone while you sip your PSL, or organizing your desk every morning.

Brittany Mailhot, Contributing Astrology Writer
As an Astrology Writer for The Everygirl, Brittany enjoys exploring how we can use astrology to understand ourselves on a deeper level. During her time studying at Portland Astrology School, she became especially interested in evolutionary astrology and the role of the moon in our lives. Outside of The Everygirl, she is an advocate for community building, mental health, and policy change.